Required Medical Forms

All students are required to complete and submit medical information forms each school year.

Physical and Immunization Record Reminder

Students are required to submit an up-to-date physical exam record from their doctor each year. If your child has had their annual physical exam and you have not yet submitted the exam record, please either drop the record off at the school or fax a copy to the nurses at 857-520-0836.

Medication Administration in School

Under Massachusetts General Laws (MGL) Chapter 112, Section 80B, a licensed nurse must have a medication order from a physician, dentist, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant in order to administer any prescription medication. Please get an order from your childā€™s physician for ANY prescription medication that they will need during school hours. School nurses are NOT allowed to give your child medications without having an order.

Meet our Nurses

Ms. MalorieĀ Golafaie
Nurse Lead
EMAIL MS. Golafaie

Ms. Ally Fenoglietto
EMAIL Ms. Fenoglietto